Top 10 Smallest dogs in the world

Top 10 Smallest dogs in the world

Are you looking for top 10 smallest dog’s breed in the world? Your search ends here. PetsWander has broughṭ you a list of smallest dogs in the world, where you will be getting every information that will help you in confirming your decision, which dog is the best to be your companion for the coming 15 years of life. Making a decision of bringing a pet at home in a day is not easy, being a responsible pet owner, it is your duty to check list everything thaṭ will be helpful for your dog to adopt the new environment. And, if you have thought of getting a smallest breed, then double check everything about your dog is a must. 

Well, FYI, the miracle Milly, the Chihuahua has won the Guinness World Record for the world’s smallest breed. She owned 1kg weight and was 4 inches tall from Puerto Rico. The dog sadly passed away in the year 2020 by winning everyone’s heart. 

Coming back to the list, let’s just jump into learning about the smallest dog’s breed: 


Pomeranian is one of the finest and smallest breeds. If you are planning to get a dog home, then this tiny fur of love is going to be super energetic. Do not mistaken with their height, they match the energy and charisma of a beautiful hound. This breed is lively and curious amongst all. Pomeranians  are vigilant, intelligent and easy to train. These dogs can be called lap dogs, so if you are planning to buy one, you can read the pointers below and have a better clarity of this little furry love. 

Life Expectancy12-16 years
Max. Weight3-7 pounds
Max. Height6-7 inches
Price range$1500-$3000 

Chinese Crested

There is no comparison of cuteness when talking about  Chinese crested dogs. The crested dog has a unique spotted pink skin, cresto hair, and feathery tail. One of the unique breeds from the clan of the smallest dog. You can have two options to buy from; one is hairless and other one is coated. Yes, this breed has the odd appearance but never misses a chance to catch your attention. By knowing their weight and eating habits, you can make a decision whether this pup is ready to be your companion.

Life Expectancy13-18 years
Max. Weight8-12 pounds
Max. Height11-13 inches
Price range$500 to $2,000 (approx)

Toy Poodle

Yes, the Toy Poodle is the small size breed. You must have seen Poodles walking around and wondered what energy they stored in that tiny body. Well, the toy poodles are a powerhouse of energy and have charismatic personalities. With overloaded cuteness and high energy levels, they are the best companions for humans. This breed is intelligent, trainable, and has a fun loving vibe. As we say, good things come in small package, let’s see what they are best known for:

Life Expectancy10-18 years
Max. Weight4-6 pounds
Max. Heightup to 10 inches
Price range$500 to $2,000

Biewer Terrier

The Biewer Terrier is the best and well known breed among the smallest dog’s breed in the world. This elegant specie has longhair and known for its charming personality. The cute puffy love makes everyone drop their jaw and can be pampered all day long. The uniqueness about this breed is the tri-color fur. Despite their small size, the terriers are the most demanding at everyone’s home. If you are going to bring this love to your place, then it comes with a lot of happy things i.e. easy-going, joyous, and friendly to walk everywhere around. These dogs have the following traits.

Life Expectancy16 years
Max. Weight4-8 pounds
Max. Height7-11 inches
Price range$3,500-$4,000


You must have read above that this breed has already won a Guinness World record of being the smallest. If you are planning to bring home this beautiful breed, then get ready to feel powerpack energy everyday. Chihuahuas are known for loyalty, charmingness, and confident attitude. With their round apple heads and expressive eyes, they love to run and play. You can pick this breed, if you have patience to handle them with care. 

Life Expectancy14-16 years
Max. Weight4-8 pounds
Max. Height12 to 15 inches
Price range$800 to $2,500

Russian Toy

Russian toy breed has an expression of everyone’s morning looking face. This beautiful breed never fails to get love and attention. Their soft and tender body is full of warmth and love. These dogs have the moderate energy and loves to enjoy regular exercise. Here is an important fact about the Russian toy breed: you must use a harness instead of a collar for walks. This breed belongs to the history of Russian aristocracy. Here is the factual description, if you are planning to buy it. 

Life Expectancy12-14 years
Max. Weightup to 6.5 pounds
Max. Height8-11 inches
Price range$2000 – $2500

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu everyone’s favourite is known as the lion dog. With a mesmerizing coat available in different colors, this breed is best for children’s play and perfect for apartment spaces. Shih Tzu are the ones who require less exercise and are fine with short walks. These cute little munchkins are from the Chinese history from the imperial breeders. To handle these dogs all you need is a positive reinforcement. Let’s read about their body facts. 

Life Expectancy10-18 years
Max. Weight9-16 pounds
Max. Height9-10.5 inches
Price range$500-$1800


The Bolognese, lovable and friendly breed of dogs. The breed originally belongs to Italy. This breed is very calm, playful, and reserved in front of strangers. Well, if you are a traveler or business person, then you have to make sure this breed never stayback alone. It is because they have separation anxiety. Bolognese have low-shedding cotton like coat. Back in time, Bolognese was the symbol of nobility. These pups are the best ones when you like small happiness every day. 

Life Expectancy12-14 years
Max. Weight6-10 pounds
Max. Height10-12 inches
Price range$1000 -$2500


This beautiful-cute-little breed belongs to the history of Malta. This tiny companion has the glorious, shiny floor length coat, and known as the lap dogs, very playful and friendly in nature. Maltese are intelligent and responsive towards social gatherings. With plenty of energy, you are going to nurture a ball of joyus pet. Taking care of this breed everyday is a must as they are sensitive, they might need care like a toddler until they grow learning their own worth. 

Life Expectancy12-15 years
Max. Weightunder 7 pounds
Max. Height7-9 inches
Price range$1,500 to $4,000

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire terrier dogs are the cutest and elegant, carrying the spirit of fun, and notoriousness. Their cute and admiring faces are everything, which will convince you to buy them. The Yorkshires are tenacious, bossy, and courageous. If you are planning to buy this pet, then for them an adequate everyday walk is a good option. The breed can be sensitive to adjust in new environment, so you must prepare yourself, and learn everything about this breed.  

Life Expectancy11-15 years
Max. Weight7 pounds
Max. Height7-8 inches
Price range$1,500 to $4,000


Now, you have got to know about the top 10 smallest dog’s breed, there are other dogs with small height and minimum weight in less pounds. These dogs are among the top 10, so if you are looking forward to buying any of them, you must stay cautious towards their sensitivity. The pup’s cute faces and convincing expressions may twirl your mind. However, making up your mind can be tough, but if you have made it, then congratulations in advance as you are going to enjoy the most happy years of  your  life.